It seems there is a surge of patriotism (or what passes for it these days) in various state legislatures and Minnesota in particular, which has just passed a bill requiring local government to officially use only US-sourced Stars and Stripes instead of imported ones.
“The biggest honor that you can give the flag is that it be made by American workers in the United States of America. Nothing is more embarrassing to me than a plastic flag made in China. This replica of freedom we so respect should be made in this country."
So said Minnesota House Democrat, Tom Rukavina, the bill’s sponsor.
“The biggest honor that you can give the flag is that it be made by American workers in the United States of America. Nothing is more embarrassing to me than a plastic flag made in China. This replica of freedom we so respect should be made in this country."
So said Minnesota House Democrat, Tom Rukavina, the bill’s sponsor.
Republican Rep. Dan Severson didn’t agree, arguing:
“That flag should be made throughout the world because it is our message to the world that there is hope for freedom and justice.”
Looking-out for American workers is a major plank of the Democratic Party platform whilst sheer jingoism and a sense of manifest destiny has become a Republican trademark so these representatives’ positions seem consistent with their party politics and policies.
Yet they still appear to be reversed from the “norm”--after all it’s the Democrat slighting the Chinese “plastic” flags and the Republican expressing a more “nuanced” global view (though on the other hand the Republican by implication is supporting outsourcing).
Regardless of the real and imagined ramifications of their respective positions on this new legislation, I’d say that beneath it all they do share a common perspective seemingly apropos to a nation that bears the word United in its name”--they are both united in a fantasy where nostalgic symbolism trumps reality.
Restoring the manufacture of the flag to its country of origin is nothing compared to restoring its original meaning, and no amount of arbitrary local legislation can do that.
Regardless of the real and imagined ramifications of their respective positions on this new legislation, I’d say that beneath it all they do share a common perspective seemingly apropos to a nation that bears the word United in its name”--they are both united in a fantasy where nostalgic symbolism trumps reality.
Restoring the manufacture of the flag to its country of origin is nothing compared to restoring its original meaning, and no amount of arbitrary local legislation can do that.
"Nothing is more embarrassing to me than a plastic flag made in China."
Gosh.. I can think of lots of more embarrassing things. None of which are very nice... all of which are true.
Why do I have the sudden impulse to FLAG this blog?! ;)
I keeed!
Hope you're having a great 4th, Brit.
Looking-out for American workers is a major plank of the Democratic Party platform whilst sheer jingoism and a sense of manifest destiny has become a Republican trademark so these representatives’ positions seem consistent with their party politics and policies.
Plus, they're made in sweat shops, in keeping with Republican policies...
I see Eyedoc is as punny as ever. Hi Doc!
It is a pretty silly debate, but I had to laugh at the Republican's contention that "it is our message to the world that there is hope for freedom and justice." Considering the people making it may not have the slightest clue what it represents and probably couldn't care less if it was upside down or backwards or even had a swastika on it for that matter, it's pretty hard to imagine it as being a significant message of any kind.
Whooee! Somebody gave me a Proudly Canadian ball cap. It's a beauty. Red with lotsa white embroidery. Made in China.
The Merkans got a flag fetish. They get all bent outta shape when somebody "desecrates" their flag. They got all sortsa laws about flag descration. They got bigass rules about raisin' an' lowerin' the rag, too. If it touches the ground by accident, they're s'posed to destroy it.
Every day in school from grade 1 to grade 12, every single kid in Merkan stands, faces the classroom flag, places their hand over their heart and recites the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Strong indoctrination.
Back in the 60's, hippies'd get arrested fer wearing the flag as a poncho or usin' a flag to patch a hole in their blue jeans. I reckon they eased up on that crappola so's they could sell flag-based clothes in Walmarket. Made in China.
Dunlap's got hisself a Merkan flag t-shirt he wears all the time.
"Restoring the manufacture of the flag to its country of origin is nothing compared to restoring its original meaning, and no amount of arbitrary local legislation can do that."
well said.
This country has NO dignity left at all!!! The Decider of Cruelty to Humans has no fucking heart - not that I ever thought any of the Bush's did - but this just clinches it - from Rising Hegemon (http://snipurl.com/1o0gv)
Monday, July 02, 2007
Whither Karla Faye Tucker?
Scooter gets the royal treatment but a woman who not only finds the lord but repents gets this:
In the weeks before the execution, Bush says, a number of protesters came to Austin to demand clemency for Karla Faye Tucker. "Did you meet with any of them?" I ask. Bush whips around and stares at me. "No, I didn't meet with any of them", he snaps, as though I've just asked the dumbest, most offensive question ever posed. "I didn't meet with Larry King either when he came down for it. I watched his interview with Tucker, though. He asked her real difficult questions like, 'What would you say to Governor Bush?'" "What was her answer?" I wonder. "'Please,'" Bush whimpers, his lips pursed in mock desperation, "'don't kill me.'" I must look shocked — ridiculing the pleas of a condemned prisoner who has since been executed seems odd and cruel — because he immediately stops smirking.
I don't know, might make a cynic think Bush's brand of chritianity isn't so fucking christian after all. I've never really bought into the whole notion of Christ dying for our sins thing but sump'n tells me there's a whole lotta pain coming down the pike when we have so called leaders like W running the show. That or we did something really bad to deserve it. What a colossal fuck he is.
Posted by Champollion at 6:58 PM
Champ... sorry about the tardy response to you post--I'm a bit erratic--and thanks for dropping by.
Obviously we share a similar perspective. The excerpted quote is very telling of Bush's "principles" and mentality.
I hope you drop by again, and kudos on not using "anonymous" as your moniker.
Come to think of it, I may have seen that moniker elsewhere? Canadian blog perhaps? Anyway, consider yourself welcome and do drop in for a view,if nothing else, I do try to post off-the-obvious when so inspired. Cheers!
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