The man is a fucking saint, I tell ya!
Don’t believe me? !!!!
Just take a butcher’s at some of these testimonials sent to the judge who is poised to sentence “Casino Jack” today in Florida.
National Hockey League referee David Jackson stated "Jack is a good person, who in his quest to be successful lost sight of the rules."
Apparently Abramoff once took 14 kids to Jackson’s dressing room before a game and welcomed kids into the skybox to help teach them sportsmanship.
Who knows more about rules and sportsmanship than a hockey referee and hockey players?
And speaking of sports, Abramoff’s racquetball partner describes Jack as “someone who always acts honorably, and will call himself on infractions."
Yup, it’s a tragedy how rules, sportsmanship and honor, not to mention infractions, never made it past the locker rooms of exclusive sports enclaves—but that’s Saint Jack for you, never thinking of his own actions, only the actions of others.
Abramoff also has friends on Capitol Hill springing to his defense.
Well; one friend anyway.
Sort of:
"Over many years, I've known a far different Jack than the profit-seeking megalomaniac portrayed in the press," wrote California Republican Dana Rohrabacher. "Jack was a selfless patriot for most of the time I knew him."
But if none of these heartwarming affidavits convince you that Abramoff actually deserves our sympathy, not to mention a Nobel prize and a sainthood consider Dr. Gene Colice’s heartwarming anecdote of the time Abramoff spent his valuable time ($300 per hour—not including the 50% ‘finder’s fees’ he was entitled to) to "find a lost hamster on a Friday night."
(John Kerry you’ll remember actually resuscitated a hamster but a) it was his daughter’s and b) it wasn’t on a Friday night).
But don’t listen to me; get the real scoop from the AP/Yahoo news item here or the AP/NewsMax report (which appears now to have been scrubbed—I have their original text from earlier today only in a cut/pasted Word doc)—both are much funnier “in the raw” than my pathetic post.
Given AP’s recent confusion over attribution and in light of the WaPo Domenech debacle the AP might want to consider the issues of “fair use”, plagiarism and the blogosphere—not to mention their own standards of reporting.
Update: Jack just got six years instead of 7+, so 'lesson learned', people!
One hamster = one less year in jail!
Invest in hamsters before George Bush scoops the market!