Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mad King George

(Note: For the past month I totally forgot how to log in post-beta which also buggered up my attempts to comment at other's blogs. All fixed now).

If George Bush insists on increasing troop levels in Iraq by 20,000-30,000 when the Army is telling him they only have 9,000 available and when the Joint Chiefs, the Congress, the American public, the Iraqi public and the US troops themselves all object (for very good reasons) I think we can safely conclude that our President is certifiably insane, that he is a danger to everyone and is unfit for office.


None said...

The President has been unfit for sometime. What is interesting is the difference McCain and Bush are getting treated. McCain supports increased troop levels, yet gets branded a maverick. When Bush does it, he is labeled crazy. I hope, by the time the presidential elections get going, this maverick label will wilt away.

5th Estate said...

Parklife!... v. nice of you to drop by :D
Perhaps Bush is finally being challenged because he's in his "last throes" whilst McCain is considered "viable" and thus 'interesting' and worth promoting by the pundits.

As to the future of McCain's "maverick" label, given how many former Republican supporters finally saw through the bullshit in the mid-terms I think that cycnicism will carry forward--especially as McCain is sticking to the kind of rhetoric policies that was so clearly rejected in November.

Peacechick Mary said...

So happy you are back on board and ready to snark away. Indeed, the Prezidunce is insane. I half expect his speech tonight to be from the intake room of a local facility for the criminally insane.

5th Estate said...

Peacechick.. unfortunately the other half of you knows George will be behind his desk with his footie pajamas already on. And he'll be all grumpy because 9pm is way past his bedtime.

Targa said...

Maybe the 1040 form should have a box we can check that asks:
Do you want a portion of your refund to go to the incarcaration or impeachment of the president?

This president is not serving to protect Americans, he's serving to protect the interests of American business, the people be damned.

Carl said...

Cmon over to my blog...I've been picking on Poor Mad George all week...

sumo said...

How many times have I said that!!!?