On Friday, September 28th, The Washington Post recorded in their simple Faces of the Fallen roster that Ciara Durkin: “Died of injuries suffered from a non-combat related incident at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan.”
By Monday October 1st, ‘everyone’ had received the AP “wire” report on Iraq/Afghanistan casualties, which included Ciara Durkin, listed as having died from a non-combat related incident”
On October 1st, RTE (Radio-Television Eire) reported:
"Ciara Durkin, 30, originally from Eanach Mheáin in Connemara, died as a result of a single gunshot wound to the head within the Bagram airbase, according to information the military has released to the Durkin Family. Speaking on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta this morning Pádraig Ó Conghaile, Ms Durkin's brother-in-law, appealed to the [Irish] Department of Foreign Affairs to participate in the investigation into her death."
"The Department of Defense said in a statement yesterday that Ciara Durkin's injuries came from a "non-combat related incident" that is under investigation. The statement contradicts a Sunday statement from the Massachusetts Army National Guard that said Durkin, an Army specialist, was killed in action. A guard spokesman said the term was meant to imply that Durkin was deployed in Afghanistan at the time of her death".
"The Quincy soldier mysteriously slain by a bullet to the head on a secure Afghanistan airbase feared something might happen to her after discovering “something she didn’t like,” her devastated family revealed."
On Thursday, Oct 4th ABCNews/GMA reported the story, as did CBS News, and the Washington Post and the New York Times amongst others.
On Friday, October 5th FOX News reported that "Marion Jones admitted using steroids before the 2000 Olympics in a recent letter to close family and friends" ---which Greta Van Susteren (champion of dead blondes everywhere except Afghanistan) blogged about, and about which Bill O’Really opined too.
On Monday, October 8th on FOXNews.com, under “The Big Story w/Gibson and Nauert” (which you have to carefully click-on, otherwise you just get the only obvious content—Gibson’s 'My Word') and then under “Heather’s Big Headline” there is this:
"Unfortunately, on Friday night we had to cut Douglas Kennedy's story about a U.S. soldier who mysteriously died in Afghanistan short. News on Olympic medalist Marion Jones' use of steroids broke just as Douglas's story was airing and we needed to break away to cover it. We are posting the entire story here:
We sincerely hope that Spc. Ciara Durkin's family will soon learn what led to the death of the 30-year-old woman, daughter and sister who had eight siblings. Spc. Durkin and the many other brave men and women give up a great deal to serve our country in remote and often dangerous places. Her family deserves answers soon."
The only reason I found this story was because I already knew about Durkin from the blogosphere and I searched FOX to see what coverage they’d given it. But just to make my outrage complete I decided to see how much coverage FOX’s closest competitor, CNN had provided.
NOTHING! Here’s the search result string:
There is much to be drawn from all this, but for whatever reason Ciara Durkin died, the likes of CNN and FOX and those they enabled buried her and thousands of others years ago, and they are burying her once again whilst avoiding the customary respect of soiling their hands to toss dirt into the grave they reserved for her.
In fairness to John Gibson, it looks like Durkin had nicer boobs, so he didn't want to piss off his blue nosed consitutency...
Good bit of journalistic research!
Not to worry, '5th of Park', these 'newz' outlets will discover their investigative soul if the (D)z win the white house in '08 ... Be prepared for more alleged Clinton murders ...
the single gunshot wound to the head would seem to be overtly signaling an execution style murder. I think the key thing here is that she the victim expressly stated to her family her concerns about what she found in the finance dept her place of work that concerned her --so it would seem something highly irregular---then she end up dead w/in a month of speaking to her family about this. The fact that she was gay is probably not the reason for the killing but may instead have been used as way to hide the motive, ie drag her to behind the chapel and let her body be found there knowing that she was fairly open about her orientation, that there would be perhaps more attention focused on this aspect and alot less on the financial things she found that she expressly made fearful comments about. The an outside investigation by a non military and perhaps non federal (agancy) gov may be required get to the truth but that may lead to other investigations which perhaps may be the reason/motive for the killing in the first place. I hope the family and the media stay focused on this and don't let the military/US gov try to hide what happened here.
Thanks for posting this - I for one was clueless about this story.
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