Friday, October 06, 2006

Best Blog Links

To anyone arriving here via the ever-excellent Crooks & Liars (or just by accident) my "American Inquistion" post is IMHO decent, but nothing to get too excited about. One post amongst millions, however adequate, doesn't amount to a bean, let alone a hill of them.
So in the hope of making your visit more worthwhile, here's a handy list of links to prevous posts that have been most popular--apparently becuase I'm better at satire than serious comment. So click on a couple and hopefully you'll be sufficiently amused that you might have reason to return every once in a while.

The Dukes of Hazzard County
America’s Giant Balls: A Larger View
The Iraqi Free Press-A $100 million Value!

Geeks Gone Wild
The Art of Writing: Who’s Your Dada?
Cheney: I Have al-Quailda In My Sights!
Best Presidential Library Ever!
Captain Future!
Cricket Explained
You Don’t Know Jack!
Robots Are People Too!
Plato’s All-American Mexican-Free Republic
DHS and the Three F’s
Bush’s Memoirs


Anonymous said...

i had no idea that you were such a bloody perfectionist!

really, i do say my dear man, you are simply sublime!

KEvron said...

you got a hat tip from c&l? coool! how 'bout a link to the post in which you were mentioned?


KEvron said...

ooops! i see counter-coulter has alredy provied that link on the relevant thread.

carry on....


Dardin Soto said...

Nice to swim in different waters now and then...

sumo said...

As long as it isn't with the sharks!